Epic™ Anterior Thoracolumbar Plate
A comprehensive lumbar plating system for robust anterior fixation.

Intuitive Design and Ease of Use
The Epic Anterior Thoracolumbar Plate System provides fixation for use in anterior thoracolumbar fusion procedures. Features include the plate’s intuitive design and ease of use, including the single-step cover plate for screw back-out prevention.
System Features
The Epic System offers straightforward, easy-to-use instrumentation that results in minimizing surgical steps.

Design Rationale
- Strong, low-profile plate
- Lumbar and sacral plate options in a wide range of lengths for optimal anatomic fit
- Fixed and variable screw angles

Intuitive Instrumentation
- Unique screw thread design for excellent bone-screw fixation and plate lagging
- 18˚conical range of screw insertion angles
- Single-step cover plate for screw back-out prevention
- Simple, intuitive instrumentation
Brochures & Surgical Technique Guides
Additional Information
Contact Us
USA: 720-894-9016
To submit a complaint, please email SpineComplaints@migration.highridgemedical.com
10225 Westmoor Dr. Westminster, CO 80021 USA
To obtain a copy of the current Instructions for Use (IFU) for full prescribing and risk information, please call 720-894-9016.
Legal Manufacturer
Zimmer Biomet Spine, Inc.
10225 Westmoor Dr.
Westminster, CO 80021 USA