Highridge Patent Marketing
This information is provided as notice of patented articles pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 287(a). The products and services listed below may not be all inclusive, and other Highridge products and services not listed may be covered by one or more patents. The listed products and services may be covered by additional patents not listed. Note that U.S. patents may have foreign counterparts.
Spine and Bone Healing Patent Marking List
Download PDFGrants Resource Center
At Highridge, we believe in the importance of working with other organizations to play a significant role in educating Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and patients, providing charitable support to the community and supporting life-changing research.

Highridge provides educational grant funding and in-kind support to third-party educational, charitable, and research programs that promote scientific knowledge, medical advancement, and the delivery of effective healthcare.
Request program should be submitted at least 60 days prior to the educational, charitable, or research program.
Support may not be provided to individuals in private practice or in agreement to use, order, recommend, or purchase Highridge products.
Types of Giving
Support for medical education events is generally limited to grants for non-Highridge educational meeting expenses, facility usage, or product support for training events involving Highridge products.
Support academic institutions with in-kind educational product support to advance educational and medical technology advancement learning experience for residents and pre-doctoral students.
Highridge can support patient and public education, but requests cannot be approved for events sponsored by an HCP’s private practice or any affiliated organization.
Grants may be used for reasonable speaker fees, travel, and lodging for speakers, and, only occasionally for modest meals for speakers and attendees. Funding may not be used for lodging if the speaker is a staff member at the requesting organization.
Grants for the use of Highridge lab facilities may be provided to universities, medical schools, and accredited training institutions for student/resident/fellow educational and training purposes.
Grants may be used to support third-party fellowships that have an independent process for selecting.
Highridge considers product donation requests for U.S. charitable surgeries as well as medical mission trips occurring outside the U.S. For U.S. charitable surgeries, applications are submitted to AmeriCares to facilitate the donation process. For medical mission trip requests, an application along with required documents must be submitted to Highridge at least 90 days prior to the date product is needed.
Highridge may provide grants to organizations and institutions that have a genuine educational or scientific purpose or function to support educational programs and events on scientific, clinical, or healthcare topics. Highridge may place restrictions on a grant, but it may not seek to control or influence the content, faculty, educational materials, or methods of the educational program funded by the grant. Similarly, Highridge may not select or instruct the organizational or institutional grant recipient to select specific HCPs or other individuals or organizations to benefit from Highridge’s grant funding.
- Educational, scientific, and charitable entities and organizations
- Training hospitals and academic medical institutions
- International, national, regional, and specialty medical associations and societies
- Accredited continuing medical education providers and agents
- Public institutions and organizations, such as regulatory bodies
- Accrediting bodies
- Professional conference organizers acting on behalf of grantees
While Highridge aims to support genuine educational or scientific programs, some requests cannot be supported, such as, but not limited to:
- Requests from an individual or private practice
- Requests for education that are not within the scope of Highridge’s treatment solutions
- Requests from an individual who is not in charge of the program or event
- Requests for personal expenses of an HCP
How to Apply
Educational Grants, Charitable Monetary Support, In-kind Educational Product Support, and Fellowship Requests:
Requests are initiated by submitting a request through the Highridge Educational Grants Portal.
- Highridge Grants Portal Link:
- For New Users: By clicking Sign Up, you will be prompted to enter your email address and create a password. Once you have chosen your password, your account will be created and you will gain access to the portal.
- For Returning Users: Sign into the portal using the email address and the password you created when you originally signed up for the portal. If you have forgotten your password, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the prompts to reset your password.
- Set up your profile if accessing the Portal for the first time.
- Get started by clicking on the “+Add A Request” Button.
• Follow the instructions within the Highridge Grants Management System. - After completing all required information and attaching supporting documentation. Click “Submit”
Charitable Monetary Support and Charitable In-Kind Product Support:
Requests are initiated by submitting a request through the Highridge Charitable Grants Portal.
- Highridge Charitable Portal Link:
- For New Users: By clicking Sign Up, you will be prompted to enter your email address and create a password. Once you have chosen your password, your account will be created and you will gain access to the portal.
- For Returning Users: Sign into the portal using the email address and the password you created when you originally signed up for the portal. If you have forgotten your password, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the prompts to reset your password.
- Set up your profile if accessing the Portal for the first time.
- Get started by clicking on the “+Add A Request” Button.
• Follow the instructions within the Highridge Grants Management System. - After completing all required information and attaching supporting documentation. Click “Submit”
Review Process & Considerations
Requestors are encouraged to consider the following questions when submitting a request:
- Is the request for funding reasonable and reflective of the educational purpose of the program?
- Do the topics, faculty, attendees, and educational materials reflect an objective, legitimate educational purpose?
- Are the venue and setting conducive to the exchange of educational information?
- Does the agenda reflect the legitimate educational, medical, scientific, or policymaking purpose of the meeting?
- Do any meals or refreshments, recreational activities, or free time (large gaps) provided detract from the primary purpose of the event or meeting?
- Is support being provided to individuals in private practice or in agreement to use, order, recommend, or purchase Highridge products? If so, this request would not be eligible.
After a grant request has been submitted, the Grants Office will review and forward it to the review committee for consideration. If approved, a written agreement will be sent out for review and signature. After all signatures have been captured, funding or in-kind product will be processed.
Please know that Highridge appreciates the time and effort when submitting a request. However, due to the volume of requests we receive each year, we cannot approve all requests. Your request is important to us and if denied, could be reconsidered as a request in the future.
Contact Us
For questions related to Highridge’s grant and donation program please contact the Highridge Grants Office at
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